Make Wagashi

Amazing Athony Cotsifas photos in NYT Style Magzine.
Colorfully and Kawaiily styled by Michael Reynolds

The New York Times Style magazine has the most wonderful spread (with Kawaii cats!) on Japanese confection cakes called Wagashi. I haven't made any in a while but when I tried Daifuku (mochi + anko filling) a while back it was pretty simple. I took rice flours for the mochi dough and then I cheated a tad and got sweetened bean paste from my local Japanese Store, Sunrise Market. Just make sure you don't get the red bean paste that is spicy or contains garlic. You may also make your own filling or Anko with smashed, cooked adzuki beans and sugar. I haven't tried to mold them yet...I hand rolled. Next up for me is Mochi coloring, and the more elaborate fruit centers and agar jelly layers. I was inspired to make again after I found this post card from Kyoto. Will keep you posted on my progress. 


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