The Candy Killings

My "new" 1940s novel is either about adulterated candy,  Helen Brach or the profits from confectionery business.

Helen Brach was the heiress to the Emil J. Brach & Company family fortune. She was married to Frank Brach, son of the founder of Brach's Candy. Frank invented the concept of Pick-A-Mix (bulk candy at grocery stores) and he later sold the lucrative candy company in 1966.
Helen disappeared in 1977 and was declared legally dead in 1984. Richard Bailey was sentenced to life in jail for conspiring and soliciting the murder of the candy empire heiress. Bailey, the owner of Bailey Stables and Country Club Stables, specialized in defrauding older women who had recently been widowed or divorced. After meeting them at the stables he romanced them and among other cons, would sell them worthless "thoroughbred" mares. 

I will let you know what happens in the Candy Killings. Cyanide caramels anyone?


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