Dessert Professional

Lititz, Pennsylvania is a three-hour train ride from New York City. To get there by train you roll into the nearby Lancaster station after a brief stop in Philadelphia. Once you arrive in the quaint, historic town, you may wish to immediately start your Amish country tour, but first you will surely see Wilbur Chocolate. It’s not to be missed due to its location near to the town square and for its size, lovely aroma and many contributions to local lore.
Wilbur Chocolate was the reason I was in Lititz, Pennsylvania; it’s where I was attending The Chocolatier’s Workshop. I don’t consider myself a chocolatier per se. I consider myself a confectionery expert who is passionate and knowledgeable about chocolate. Over the years, I have taken many chocolate classes and even taught a few myself. I always love the chance to learn, and when the company that owns Peter’s and Wilbur Chocolate brands offered me a spot in their workshop, I signed up immediately.
There are lots of other chocolate classes available. In fact so many that for budding chocolate professionals it must be hard to decide. Ecole, Chocolate Academy and Chocolate Boot Camp are just some of the other classes available. Confectionery industry organizations like RCI, NCA, and PMCA all offer courses for newbie chocolatiers, but this particular class promised something different. The innovative angle to The Chocolatier’s Workshop is teaching the business of chocolate to up-and-coming chocolate makers.
Want to read more? Just email me or contact our fine friends at Dessert Professional. Adieu, Beth
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