Several months back I had the opportunity to give a lecture on the history of confectionery molds as part of a 4-day chocolate program that is given by the PMCA annually. Over 30 students took the course in York, PA and I was honored to be a guest speaker once again. During my lecture I served fresh baked madeleines (in honor of molded confections) along with a chocolate martini I concocted using a fine rum I brought back from my last visit to Puerto Rico. Called Ron del Barrilito, this brown rum gets it's fine flavors from molasses and an aging process. My end-of-day lecture got a standing ovation which I believe was due primarily to that drink. The following day we made a visit to Wolfgang Candy to get some hands-on experience with chocolate. Here, I show the class my hollow figure molding technique using a vintage 2 piece baby or cupid mold. To aspiring chocolate makers: consider taking the PMCA course. It covers everything from tempering to sugar. You'll come out a pro. To those who want their chocolate made for them: go straight to Wolfgang! It was founded in 1921 and remains one of the oldest family-owned candy operations in the US.
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